July 29, 2024

Trump Embraces Bitcoin. Orange-Pilled Or…

Trump Embraces Bitcoin. Orange-Pilled Or…

Trump Embraces Bitcoin. Orange-Pilled Or Looking For Votes?

Who would have thought after 15 years we would have a presidential candidate coming to a Bitcoin conference stumping for votes? Well it happened and I don’t really know how to feel about it.

Three time Republican nominee for president Donald J. Trump went to Nashville, Tennessee to deliver what was billed as a “historic” speech to the Bitcoin community. Sure in a way it was historic. There has never been a major party candidate for president that has come out and spoke about specific policies to protect the Bitcoin holders and businesses.

That was definitely a first and something that as a Bitcoiner, I wanted to hear so he did not disappoint on that front. It would be nice to have an administration that isn’t hostile to the Bitcoin ecosystem or at the very least gets out of the way and let it grow organically.

The policy ideas that he announced on stage were not bad and is something that I could support such as

Cheap energy
Bitcoin reserve
Protect the right to self-custody
Free Ross
Fire Gary Gensler
End Operation Choke Point

As we all know Bitcoin mining thrives on cheap energy. The more inexpensive energy we have the more industrial Bitcoin mining can take place in America. This means more jobs in the Bitcoin mining industry, more jobs in the energy sector and more security for Bitcoin in the long run. It’s a win, win, win situation here. I think Trump intuitively understands that aspect of Bitcoin.

With regards to a strategic Bitcoin reserve, I don’t know how I feel about this policy to be honest. I would rather the Bitcoin be in the hands of everyday Americans versus hodled by the government as
I don’t trust the government to do good with Bitcoin.

Instead it will be used to perpetuate the system that we currently live under with warrantless spying, forever wars and needless corruption. So no I do not support the Bitcoin reserve as I want a radically smaller government.

Firing Gary Gensler, ending Operation Choke Point and freeing Ross Ulbricht are fairly obvious things that he should do if is elected president so I don’t know if he deserves a pat on the back. I’ll give it to him, he did show up and at least feign interest in Bitcoin and “crypto” but I have a strong feeling that he could care less about Bitcoin.


At the end of the day, Donald J. Trump is a politician who wants to get elected. What do you have to do to get elected? Go out and convince people to vote for you or as it normally called, pandering. That’s what he was doing ultimately. He is looking for votes to put him back in the White House.

If he is looking for votes from the Libertarian Party and a Bitcoin Conference you know the margins are going to be tight and he needs every last vote he can find. What Trump did was the equivalent of looking in the couch cushions for some extra change. He might not need our votes but he wants them just in case he needs them to pull out a nail biter on election night.

You can tell during the entirety of his speech that he really didn’t understand Bitcoin beyond some platitudes he read on the teleprompter. I felt no sense of conviction coming from him at all.

You can tell a Bitcoiner from a non-Bitcoiner in the way they talk about Bitcoin and the world in general. This is a knock on Trump per se, he just needs to study it more, which he may more may not do.

Was his speech enough to sway my vote, eh probably not as I am not a one issue voter. At the end of the day I know he is going to spend as much money as Biden did or if not more because that's the way the system is set up and incentives politicians to overspend to create inflation.

The dollar system is a wealth extraction tool for the federal reserve and any politician that is in support of the dollar system, I can’t support. It's as simple as that. The only thing that we should be doing as Bitcoiners is stacking sats, spending sats and educating others about Bitcoin.

Let the system do what it's designed to do. The fiscal plane of the United States is flying on autopilot, the pilots are unconscious and the passengers (us) are brain dead, as 99 percent of the population has no idea what is going on. Not trying to be negative, these are just facts.

Protect yourself, protect your family and protect your Bitcoin. God Bless you and God bless America.

#Politics #Bitcoin