July 17, 2024

Credit Scores Are Designed To Enslave…

Credit Scores Are Designed To Enslave You.

Credit Is Not Your Friend

Do you remember when you received your first credit card? If you were like most kids, you probably got it when you went away to pursue higher education at a university. Do you remember the bank reps handing out free swag trying to entice you to sign up for a high-interest-rate credit card?

Most freshly liberated college kids living on their own happily signed up for something that allowed them to buy something without having money in their pockets. I mean, how could you resist? This was basically free money, right? Imagine how many late-night beer runs, keggers, and late-light drive-thru trips to Jack in the Box and Taco Bell were paid with a credit card. I may or may not have had experience with this in the past, lol.

I would imagine quite a bit if you asked me. Going to college is a right of passage, and many students are not focused on learning anything of value. What students are chasing is something they can put on their resume to get a job when they graduate. Increasingly this plan is not panning out for a wide swath of people. Do you know how many people have degrees from a university but are working as a barista at Starbucks? Too many to even count.

To add insult to injury, the typical graduate also has a mountain of student debt they have to pay off. Did you know the average undergraduate has $37,787 in student loans? Student loans are the second most prominent type of consumer loan after a mortgage.

Debt Is Evil

Why are kids getting into debt that they can’t pay off in the first place? The “American Dream” is sold to everyone from an early age. It’s the phenomenon of keeping up with the “Joneses.” Kids go to college to obtain a degree to achieve the American dream of a big house with a two-car garage, a grass lawn, and a white picket fence.

You can’t do that in today's America without a recurring income and credit. These are the two hooks that suck you in and absorb you into the matrix that is your credit score. To get a credit score, you have to go into debt. To go into debt and maintain a credit score good enough to get you a decent loan, you have to have recurring income. You have to become an employee to get regular income that pays well enough to service a loan.

The system works as follows:

You want to take out a loan to buy a car, our house

Bank tells you they need proof of income, generally in the form of check stubs or w-2

You give the bank your paystubs

The bank examines your paystubs and approves the loan.

Sounds all very conventional, right? Well, you have just been incentivized to get a 9-5 job.

Without your 9-5 job, the bank would most likely have declined the loan. Small business owners, entrepreneurs, and creatives with irregular incomes have more difficulty accessing credit.

The credit-based system we live in dissuades us from pursuing a dream of starting our own businesses. A credit score is a form of social control that keeps people going to jobs they hate and working with people they don’t want to be around. The statistics don’t lie, my friend. You see it in the news all the time.

Fifty percent of the US workforce are quiet quitters. Aka, they don’t want to be there.

40 percent of Americans are looking for a new job in 2023, Aka they don’t want to be there

Don’t get me wrong, wanting the white picket fence, nice houses, and safe neighborhoods is not bad, but you should probably understand what you are giving up to pursue that dream. The average person in America has over $96,371 in debt; they have to service. On the whole, Americans are $16.7 trillion in debt.

You Deserve Happiness

Is it worth giving up your happiness?? Is it worth giving up the best years of your life to a corporation that thinks you are a cog in the wheel that could be replaced at any time? Is it worth giving up time with your kids and not being able to see them grow up? Is this dream you are pursuing even yours? Or was this dream implanted in your head through media and socially reinforced by your peers? These are the questions that everyone should be asking themselves.

You might realize it’s not worth it, and you are giving up way more than what you get in return. Right now, we are slaves to the system. If you try to go against the status quo, you are generally looked upon with disdain and jealousy, especially if you are self-employed as a content creator or solopreneur. People can’t simply fathom that you value freedom over having a shiny new thing.

The one thing I love about Bitcoin is the people who choose to hodl Bitcoin and build. They see through the system we live in and want to create something new based on sound money that you trust. This is the community that I want to be a part of until the day I die.

Bitcoin is a new way of seeing the world through the eyes of hope and love. The sooner Bitcoin is adopted, the sooner people will be free to pursue their interests without worrying about having to work a job they hate to maintain a farce such as a credit score.

“Emancipate yourself from mental slavery. None but ourselves can free our minds.”

[Bob Marley]