July 22, 2024




I’m sure you have seen it by now that President Joe Biden has decided not to seek re-election for a second term. Considering he is 81 years old, this should have been highly anticipated from the get go. The only ones that were in denial about his ability to perform the job for another term were the people around him.

If you have been watching the man for the last 3 years you could tell that his health has deteriorated rather quickly to the point where you don’t know if he is actually governing at the moment. If I were a betting man I would bet that the people around him are actually making the day to day decisions and Old Joe simply gives his blessing to give it a veneer of legality.

What does that say about the state of our democracy when the health of the president could be effectively hidden from the American people and the world for that matter. I get it, you don’t want to let on to your adversaries that the country’s president is not in full command of his mental facilities, because who knows what could have happened if they knew sooner.

Now that the world knows Joe Biden isn’t running for re-election does it make a difference? Not really. Democrats are quickly lining up behind Vice-President Kamala Harris, so the odds of a convention fight are pretty low at this point. I think that's the last thing Democrats want. In all likelihood delegates will choose Harris and she will become the Democratic nominee.


The nagging question that I have is, was this intentional? Did Joe Biden ever intend to run for a second term? Was this a way to box out Democratic rivals during the primary? If Biden announced that he wasn’t going to run for a second term at the beginning of the year, it would have pitted different camps of Democrats against each other.
More specifically it kept Michelle Obama out of the race and other Democrats that the Biden camp doesn’t particularly like from outshining them and making the Biden/Harris administration a lame duck administration.

If you look at it from that lens you can see that it is a shrewd political move on their part. Biden cleared the field during the primaries, feign he is going to run all the way up to the point where it would be near impossible to mount an effective national campaign, then hand the reins to his successor. If Harris wins the movers and shakers in the Biden/Harris camp get to keep their jobs and influence.

I think this was the plan the whole time, because it is the most plausible and explains the actions of the Biden/Harris team. The Democrats play on an entirely different playing field. I’ll give it to them, they are ruthless when it comes achieving their goals and maintaining power. When they say by any means necessary, they mean it to the core of their being. They will bend the truth as much as they need to get what they want. This is what makes the Democrat Party dangerous. The Democrat Party has been morphed into a party of cultural Marxism.

Understand that the vision the Democrat Party has for America is not compatible with freedom of speech, gun ownership, free flow of capital and other rights that we hold dear.

If Democrats had their way, you wouldn’t own a car, a gun, eat meat or have air conditioning for your home. You would have to ride mass transit everywhere and be miserable…

Do your homework before you vote in November please.
