July 19, 2024




This is something that we all should be practicing in our daily lives. When is enough, enough? How many things do we need to be happy? When you take a deep dive into your daily routines, you may notice that you use the same things over and over again because it works.

Think about it. Most of us have one phone. Why because it works. We don't need to own 5,6,7,8 phones because that would be redundant and retarded to be honest.

How many pairs of shirts, pants and shoes do you actually need? Do you have a closet full of clothes and shoes that you don't wear? More than likely yes.

How many of us use a storage shed to store filled with all the random nic nacks that we have accumulated over the years? I'm guilty of it myself.

The bottom-line is, do we really need all the stuff that we own? 9 times out of ten, we don't. Bitcoin has fundamentally changes your view of the world and material goods. Bitcoin and minimalism go together like peanut butter and jelly. Give it a shot.
